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At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we want our children to ‘Aim High’ and know that they have the ability to achieve anything they put their minds to.  Our school values are central to all we do and through our curriculum we encourage our children to be:

  • Aspirational – We encourage the children to aspire to travel the world and learn about different countries and cultures. We want to broaden their horizons.
  • Respectful – Through our Spanish scheme, we encourage respect of other cultures and others’ opinions.
  • Curiosity – We foster a love of learning that encourages children to learn and appreciate other cultures.
  • Honesty – We aim to encourage honesty when discussing different cultures and children’s home backgrounds.
  • Enthusiasm – We love learning Spanish – especially the songs!
  • Resilience – We know that it is really tricky to learn another language but we try our best to succeed.

At Amesbury Archer Primary school, we aim to develop and foster a love and enthusiasm of learning new languages through our teaching of Spanish. We follow the Language Angels Scheme of Work for our teaching of Spanish. Through this scheme we would like all our KS2 pupils, at their end of their Primary School journey, to leave with confidence in their ability to speak Spanish and have transferrable skills for their future and wider community.

In our MFL teaching, we will help pupils to develop key linguistic skills within speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar. These skills will develop the children’s ability to understand what they hear and read and enable them to independently express themselves in speech and language. We will extend their knowledge of how language works and explore the similarities and differences between Spanish and English. We will also help strengthen their sense of identity through learning about culture in other countries and comparing it with their own.

We use Language Angels because it firstly gives the teachers confidence in teaching the foreign language of Spanish, as well as providing the children with engaging, fun and interesting lessons. Each lesson has clear, achievable objectives. In the academic year 2019 – 2020, all KS2 pupils will all be learning the Year 3 curriculum to ensure that they have a secure foundation of Spanish. This is due to this language being newly introduced within our school. Following the academic year 2019-2020, our language scheme will be progressive up the key stage.

Children who have a SEND need are supported within this subject by first quality teaching, modelling of language, targeted questions and visuals (pictures alongside key words).