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At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we want all our children, including those with SEND, to ‘Aim High’ and know that they have the ability to achieve anything they put their minds to. Maths is a core National Curriculum subject that equips all pupils with vital skills that they will need to use throughout their everyday lives and beyond. It is therefore important to encourage children to develop and nurture a range of strategies to become critical thinkers, make links with other subjects and grow in confidence in their understanding of numbers. The school uses a CPA and mastery approach, with concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of their learning evident in every lesson as well as a focus on improving children’s use of vocabulary. We encourage children to achieve their best through our learning words: aspirational, resilient, curious, honest, enthusiastic and respectful (ARCHER).

 In Maths, this means Archers will:

  • Aspire to achieve their full potential, by not only mastering the skills they need for Maths, but learning how to apply this to all areas of the curriculum and for their futures.
  • Increase their resilience by learning to reason and problem solve. Some tasks will ask children to identify misconceptions and explain why this is the case. This will allow children to discuss, to develop confidence and to achieve independently leading to them becoming successful adults.
  • Be curious about the world around them and Maths at Amesbury Archer will nurture this curiosity. Children will ask and answer questions related to the world around them to exercise their inquisitive minds and be better prepared for their future.
  • Develop their honesty by identifying when they require support and when they can demonstrate resilience. Being honest with themselves, and others, will lead to a positive experience of Maths and mean that they gain more from it.
  • Be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude to learning. This will broaden their horizons, encouraging further study of Mathematics and potential careers involving Maths later on.
  • Archers will be respectful of others’ learning and demonstrate a respect of Maths through discussions, support and celebrating all achievements including their own and those of their peers. 

Below are our calculation policies, which show how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division across the school. 

Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy July 2022

Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy July 2022