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Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)



At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we want our children to ‘Aim High’ and know that they have the ability to achieve anything they put their minds to.  In PSHE, we use the scheme SCARF (which stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) provides a whole-school approach to building these essential foundations – crucial for our children to have high aspirations and achieve their best, academically and socially. It also encourages resilience, respect and honesty, some of our key Amesbury Archer values.  Mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study, SCARF is a framework consisting of lesson plans, online planning and assessment tools to provide a comprehensive PSHE and Wellbeing programme throughout the primary years.  SCARF is a whole-school approach to promoting behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing.  SCARF lessons provide cross-curricular opportunities in all areas of the curriculum. SCARF also covers statutory Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) in an age-appropriate way, in line with government guidelines.