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House System

At Amesbury Archer Primary School we operate a House System. All the children are allocated a House and they will spend all their time with us in that one House. Every week, in our Friday Celebration Assembly, the House Points award is awarded to the House with the most House Points. Children can earn House Points for their Houses by working hard in class, producing really good quality work, being polite and courteous, helping each other and by setting a good example. 

As well as the academic side of school life, children also represent their Houses in Sports Day and other sporting/competitive events throughout the year. 

In December we introduced  a new House System and renamed our Houses. Red House became Spire House, Yellow House became Sarum House, Green House became Stonehenge House and Blue House became Avon House.  

  • Green - Stonehenge House
  • Red - Spire House
  • Blue - Avon House
  • Yellow - Sarum House

This year, each House will compete for a House Trophy. Every point that a child earns for their House contributes one point to your House total. The House with the highest total at the end of each year will win the House Championship and House Trophy!

As well as earning House points to add to your House’s total, you will also be able to earn points through our House competitions that we will be holding through the year!

Children will also be given House prefect roles to help in the organisation of all the events and collecting House points.  We are currently nominating our very first House Prefects!

Children have each been given the opportunity to design their new House logo and we are currently deciding on our winners. Our winning logos will be sent to a professional design company and made into real logos!

Come back soon for more updates.