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Rewards System

At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we have a reward system which encourages good behaviour and respect for ourselves and others. It aims to focus on the positive and appropriate and not the inappropriate, whilst ensuring that every child is treated fairly and respectfully. Good behaviour is expected at our school and all members of staff endeavour to promote and model the behaviour we expect to see. In addition, we think it is very important that children who are polite, respectful and well-mannered are rewarded and made to feel proud of their choices. For the times when inappropriate behaviour may be displayed, we have a clear and consistent sanction system across the school, which enables children to reflect upon their choices and make amends.

Our House Point system enables all children to be rewarded for outstanding effort in classroom behaviour, an exemplary answer to a question, pleasing learning behaviour, spontaneous acts of kindness such as holding open doors and for demonstrating our learning words etc.

House Point System

  • All children are issued with a house point card in the colour of their house and house point stickers are recorded on this chart. Once a week, the charts are collected by Year 6 children and collated. Totals for each house are unveiled by the House Captains in Monday’s ‘Celebration Assembly’.
  • Children who complete a card will be awarded a certificate and celebrated in ‘Celebration Assemblies’ on a Monday. The first book will earn a BRONZE certificate, the second a SILVER, the third a GOLD and the fourth a PLATINUM certificate.

 We also aim to reward children’s work or behaviour by:

  • Making positive comments on children’s work
  • Visiting the Head Teacher to show work and receive a Head Teacher’s Award
  • Celebrating Learning Champions in ‘Celebration Assemblies’
  • Displaying fantastic work in classrooms and in the corridors
  • Enjoying termly (i.e approximately every 6 weeks) class rewards for those children who have demonstrated consistently good behaviour across the term.


Sanction System 

Clear reminders of expectations

A clear warning is given 

A  ‘grey card' and a note made on our school recording system (SPTO). Reflection with the Class Teacher. 

A 'yellow' card and a note made on our school recording system (SPTO). Reflection with the Deputy Headteacher at lunchtimes. 

A 'red card' and a note made on our school recording system (SPTO). Reflection with the Head Teacher and parents. 

For more detailed information about our rewards and more serious sanctions, please see our behaviour policy.