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School Intent

At Amesbury Archer Primary School we want our children to ‘Aim High’ and know that they have the potential to achieve. Our school values underpin all that we do and through our curriculum we encourage our children to be:

Aspirational, Resilient, Curious, Honest, Enthusiastic and Respectful.

Our curriculum opens children’s eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment. Amesbury Archer removes barriers so that our children can be resilient, happy and productive members of the community. With our support and guidance, we enable them to be independent, caring and confident citizens for the future.


ASPIRATIONAL - At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we encourage pupils to aim high in their learning. We deliver inspirational teaching so that pupils are motivated to strive to make their dreams for the future a reality.

RESILIENT - At Amesbury Archer Primary School we create an environment where pupils understand the importance of setting goals, solving problems and reflecting on areas of challenge in their learning and everyday lives. This promotes resilience in our pupils which enables them to have better outcomes academically, socially and emotionally.

CURIOUS - At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we encourage both pupils and staff to ask questions and to push the boundaries of their learning. We endeavour to answer even the most inquisitive of questions from our pupils.

HONEST - At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we enable our pupils to understand the importance of being honest in their approach to all aspects of their lives. This in turn helps them to build good relationships with their teachers and their peers and leads to positive learning experiences.

ENTHUSIASTIC - At Amesbury Archer Primary School, we celebrate the ambition to learn and make the most of our time at school. Our enthusiastic teachers welcome the passion to learn from our pupils and replicate this eagerness to get the most out of school.

RESPECTFUL - At Amesbury Archer Primary School, pupils will make good choices to ensure that they take care of themselves and each other, their belongings and their environment. Pupils understand that everyone has the right to enjoy their learning and to be listened to without being judged. They accept differences and treat everyone fairly and equally.